Frequently Asked Questions

What is consultation?

Consultation can fall under many different categories. In my practice, I use consultation with therapists who are looking to further hone and develop their skill set as a clinician. I also consult with therapists who have a particular issue, ethical questions, or client they are needing more support and guidance on. And lastly, I run consultation groups, mostly for therapists interested in becoming certified in EMDR. On occasion I will run a general consultation group if there is enough interest.  

Why do I want consultation if I already have my license or certification?

On my home page, the quote I have is that learning is a lifelong process. I have always believed that you can never know everything, nor can you ever learn enough. To be the best therapist you can be, consultation is important throughout your career. It will always take on different forms as you move through different stages of your time as a therapist. I work with therapists just out of school, and I also work with therapists who have been in practice for 20-30 years.

And in the case of EDMR, you might seek consultation for a few reasons. Maybe you are working towards your EMDR Certification, EMDR Consultant In Training, or you might have a case where you need that extra support. 

Can’t I just talk to my friend who is a therapist?

You absolutely could do that, and that might be ok one, two or even three times. Yet, that is very different than coming to a consultant for consultation. For one, your consultant is a fresh set of eyes on your cases and concerns. Alongside the fact, your consultant may be looking out for different things than your colleague and may dive deeper into your cases with you. And, truth be told, many therapists have told me that after a while their friends will suggest to them to seek consultation. 

Does it make me a bad or ineffective therapist if I am going to seek consultation?

No, quite the opposite. I think it’s important to let your client know that you will be seeking consultation so that you can work with them in the most effective way possible. As a clinician, when I have done this, my clients have been so appreciative and usually thank me for taking the extra time and making the extra effort to support them.

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